
Hello Flowers, Hello Sun!

venerdì 31 marzo 2017

26 Great Nail Art Ideas: Green Leaves

Green Leaves Nail Art
** Testo in italiano in fondo alla pagina **

After two yellow manicures (you can see them here and here), I wanted some neutral colors and clean nail art.

I started from a delicate nude base.

Green Leaves Nail Art
Then I chose an image from MoYou London Tropical 13 plate with some stylized leaves and I stamped it with a green holo polish from Born Pretty (you can find it at this link).

nail plate
No fancy manis for me this time, just a delicate bling bling from the holo polish that I must use as my base polish next time!

To protect my nail art I added a layer of top coat.

green leaves nail art

If you are shopping at Born Pretty Store you can use the code CBLL10 for a 10% off your order.

green leaves nail art


Green Leaves Nail Art

 Green Leaves Nail Art

Dopo ben due manicure in giallo, le trovi qui e qui, avevo voglia di colori più neutri e unghie più sobrie.

Sono partita da una base nude molto delicata.

Ho scelto poi un'immagine dal disco MoYou London Tropical 13 con delle foglie stilizzate e l'ho stampata su tutte le unghie con lo smalto olografico verde di Born Pretty (lo puoi trovare a questo link).

Niente effetti speciali stavolta, solo un delicato scintillio dato dallo smalto olografico che la prossima volta devo assolutamente usare come smalto di base!

Per proteggere la mia nail art mi è bastato passare uno strato di top coat.

Se fai acquisti sul sito Born Pretty Store ti ricordo che puoi usare il codice CBLL91 per ottenere il 10% di sconto.

Materiali usati:

Disclaimer: Holo polish was provided from PR, other items were bought by me
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13 commenti:

  1. I really like the look of that BPS stamping polish. It looks great with the leaves design.

  2. This is absolutely gorgeous, I love how the holo sparkle jumps out of the pattern!

  3. Very cute! I love the tropical look of this mani; and the muted off-white background makes me imagine finding a mug with this print on it in a gift shop of a tropical resort.

  4. LOVE the print! Plus the color combo is amazing!!! Plus I am always just in love with how glossy your top coat is!

    1. Seche Vite is my beloved top coat, it dryes in seconds, a must have!

  5. This mani is fantastic! The holo polish stamped so well!

    1. Yeah, those holo polish are great for stamping too!

  6. Pretty mani! Great stamping design you selected!

  7. Molto carina :)
    Buona Domenica
    Agnese & Elisa


Item Reviewed: 26 Great Nail Art Ideas: Green Leaves Description: Una nail art dalle linee pulite e dai colori delicati con un tocco holo! Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Sara R
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