** English text at bottom page **
Io adoro le borchiette da applicare sulle manicure, ne ho di diverse dimensioni e colori, comprese quelle neon e quelle in tinte pastello, ma le mie preferite rimangono sempre quelle dorate.
Nella nail art di oggi le ho abbinate al mio smalto semipermanente preferito, te lo avevo mostrato anche qui, è l'americano NSI Polish PRO Poolside.
Come accent ho stampato in oro le onde dal disco MoYou London Sailor Collection 04 e ho sigillato con il top coat semipermanente.
Per fissare le borchiette le ho applicate sullo strato di top coat semipermanente prima di catalizzare in lampada LED.
Materiali usati:
- Smalto semipermanente: NSI Polish PRO Poolside
- Smalto per stamping: China Glaze 2010
- Disco per stamping: MoYou London Sailor Collection 04
- Borchiette dorate
Non dimenticare di fare un salto nei blog delle mie amiche Twinsie per scoprire le loro nail art decorate con borchie!
Steph at Lovestruck Lacquer
Sharon at Behind Green Eyes
Savannah at Addicted to Polish
Sarah at Partly Cloudy with a Chance of Lacquer
Sarah at Partly Cloudy with a Chance of Lacquer
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Amber at Nails Like Lace
Amanda at Fashion Footing
Alaina at The Little Canvas
I love studs, I own them in several dimensions and colors, included neon ones and pastel ones. But I always prefer gold studs.
In today nail art I matched gold studs with my favourite gel polish: NSI Polish PRO Poolside that I showed you here.
As my accent I stamped in gold the waves from the MoYou London Sailor Collection 04 plate and I topped with a layer of clear gel.
To fix the studs I applyed them on gel top coat before I catalyzed in LED lamp.
Materiali usati:
- Smalto semipermanente: NSI Polish PRO Poolside
- Smalto per stamping: China Glaze 2010
- Disco per stamping: MoYou London Sailor Collection 04
- Gold studs
Steph at Lovestruck Lacquer
Sharon at Behind Green Eyes
Savannah at Addicted to Polish
Sarah at Partly Cloudy with a Chance of Lacquer
Sarah at Partly Cloudy with a Chance of Lacquer
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Amber at Nails Like Lace
Amanda at Fashion Footing
Alaina at The Little Canvas
The gold studs you used look great here. I just love that accent nail of yours.
RispondiEliminaThis is one of my favourite mani!
EliminaMe too!
RispondiEliminaI love turquoise and gold together :) i really like the accent nail too
RispondiEliminaThank you! ^_^
EliminaThat's a really nice coherent look, with the matching studs and stamping.
RispondiEliminaThank you Claire!