In passato ho già fatto questo tipo di decoro, puoi dare uno sguardo qui e qui.
Questa volta ho deciso di realizzare una chevron manicure in bianco su fondo nudo, incrociandola quindi con una negative space!
Per farlo mi è bastato applicare la mia base trasparente e farla asciugare. Poi ho posizionato i nail vinyls (che puoi trovare sul sito Born Pretty Store qui) con il motivo zig zag sulle unghie.
Ho applicato lo smalto bianco e, prima che asciugasse, ho rimosso i vinyls.
Siccome la manicure non mi sembrava completa ho applicato delle decalcomanie ad acqua con roselline rosa, le ho messe casualmente sulle unghie.
Come accent ho scelto uno smalto bianco glitteroso e vi ho applicato alla base due borchiette rosa per richiamare i colori delle roselline.
Ho applicato il top coat per livellare tutto, avendo usato uno smalto con effetto texture mi sono occorse due passate per avere una superficie liscia.
Ti ricordo che se vuoi fare acquisti sul sito Born Pretty puoi usare al checkout il mio codice sconto CBLL91 per ottenere una riduzione del 10%.
Materiali usati:
- Smalti: Kiko Frozen Smoothies 010, Essence 42 Frozen Kiss
- Top Coat: Seche Vite
- Nail Vinyls zig zag
- borchiette neon
- decalcomanie ad acqua
- pinzette
Non mi resta che invitarti a passare dai blog delle mie amiche per vedere le loro creazioni gemelle!
Steph at Lovestruck Lacquer
Sharon at Behind Green Eyes
Savannah at Addicted to Polish
Sara at The Call of Beauty
Megan at A Beauty in the Business
Marisa at Polish Those Nails
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Lisa at The Polish Playground
Claire at Kerruticles
ChiChi at I'm Just Me...ChiChi
Amber at NailsLikeLace
Amanda at Fashion Footing
Alice at Nail Art in Wonderland
Alaina at The Little Canvas
This week prompt for Twinsie Tuesday girls is chevrons.
I already did a couple of chevron manis, you can see them here and here.
This time I decided to do a chevron mani on naked nails, a negative space chevron mani!
To do this manicure I applyed first my clear base and let it dryes.
Then I applyed my chevron nail vinyls (you can find them on Born Pretty Store at this link) on nails.
I applyed the white polish and, before it dried I removed them.
I added some pink roses water decals randomly.
For my accent I used a white glittery polish and I applied two pink studs at the base.
I applyed two coats of top coat to even the textured polish.
If you are shopping at Born Pretty Store you can use my discount code CBLL91 for a 10% off.
- Nail polishes: Kiko Frozen Smoothies 010, Essence 42 Frozen Kiss
- Top Coat: Seche Vite
- Chevron Nail Vinyls
- neon studs
- water decals
- tweezers
Steph at Lovestruck Lacquer
Sharon at Behind Green Eyes
Savannah at Addicted to Polish
Sara at The Call of Beauty
Megan at A Beauty in the Business
Marisa at Polish Those Nails
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Lisa at The Polish Playground
Claire at Kerruticles
ChiChi at I'm Just Me...ChiChi
Amber at NailsLikeLace
Amanda at Fashion Footing
Alice at Nail Art in Wonderland
Alaina at The Little Canvas
Disclaimer: Nail vinyls were sent from PR for review. Other items were bought by me
It's so cute!
RispondiEliminaThank you darling!
EliminaI love the negative space chevrons with the roses! :)
RispondiEliminaThanks a lot! I love them so much!
EliminaSo romantic and pretty!
RispondiEliminaThank you Andrea!
EliminaI love that you did negative space chevrons! I also love the combination of Frozen Kiss and the rose water decals!
RispondiEliminaI always loved this kind of mani but free handing is not for me! So decals are my BFF!
RispondiEliminaThese are so pretty...I love them :)
Thanks a lot Sony!
EliminaGreat idea to combine negative space with roses and chevrons.
RispondiEliminaI'm glad you liked it!